What is self-organized learning?

The American Online School focuses on self-organized learning as an educational concept in which learners are largely responsible for their own learning process. It involves learners taking control of their education by determining and organizing their own learning goals, methods and times. Self-organized learning can be applied to a variety of educational settings and ages, from elementary school to higher education and beyond.

Here are some important characteristics and principles of self-organized learning:

Ownership: learners are responsible for their own education and must set and pursue their own learning goals. They decide what they want to learn and by when.

Self-determination: learners have the freedom to choose how they want to learn. They can choose which resources to use, which learning methods to use, and at what pace to progress.

Self-reflection: Self-organized learning encourages learners to monitor and evaluate their own progress. They reflect on what they have learned and how they can improve their learning.

Variety of resources: learners can use a variety of other resources to broaden and deepen their knowledge, including books, exchanges with experts, study abroad, and hands-on experiences in everyday life.

Intrinsic motivation: Self-organized learning relies on learners’ intrinsic motivation. They should have a strong interest in their chosen topic and a desire to deepen their knowledge in that area.

Flexibility: Self-organized learning allows learners to adapt their learning process to their individual needs and schedules.

Collaboration: although self-organized learning is often independent, it does not preclude collaboration with others. Learners can support each other by sharing ideas and organizing themselves into learning groups.

Accepting mistakes: Self-organized learning encourages learners to learn from mistakes. They should not be discouraged, but should view their mistakes as opportunities to improve.

Self-organized learning can be effective in promoting intrinsic learning and independent problem-solving skills. It allows learners to gain more autonomy over their educational path and develop the skills to become lifelong learners. However, it is important to note that not every learner is equally skilled at self-organization, and some may need support and guidance to develop these skills. The American Online School supports learners towards their educational goal.